Saturday 22 January 2011

Project: Getting to know your camera

I must be honest I have never read the manual for my Nikon D90, just flicked through the quick guide when I purchased my camera last June and read D90 for Dummies which helped me a lot.
On reading my manual for the first time, with my D90 at hand, to try all the settings and functions, I found it easier to understand the manual. There are a couple of areas that I will have to work through again and practice to get a better understanding of. It also helped having a photographer friend who has helped explain certain  bits I was unsure of. Overall the manual is well worth reading. 

Friday 14 January 2011

Getting started.

Well my package from the OCA arrived yesterday, it was like having an early birthday present, I couldn't wait to get started on it. I decided to have a quick look at it yesterday and then start it today while it was quiet and the children were at school . I went through my check list to make sure it was all there, ticking them off one by one, the materials for the course were great and even included a notebook and  a pen! Bonus, I can never ever find a pen in my house. I have spent a good couple hours reading the Student handbook and typing my student profile to send to my tutor. Overall a good start, considering I was up 'til 3am trying to set up this blog.